

I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with the bulk of the damage in my bones. Migraine headaches were another unpleasant and debilitating side effect of some of the treatments. At 52 years old I am still running my own business, so I needed some help to manage the bone pain which was exacerbated by sitting at my desk for long hours. Opiates, which are so freely dispensed by doctors nowadays, were not a palatable solution for me because I need to think clearly. GuerillaHealer and the very compassionate Brent Kaufman provided me with high-quality CBD for the past 3 years for a reasonable price, but also offered a specifically requested formulation for my type of cancer. It is difficult to properly thank someone for bringing back a quality of life where I can remain active and do the things I love like biking and kayaking and then sleep peacefully without migraines for the most part. My oncologist was so impressed by how I am managing my pain using GuerillaHealer’s CBD that she has been asking me about it and may become a convert. In fact, my recent Pet scan shows no evidence of disease. It doesn’t get any better than that in this struggle! Brent is always available to answer questions and I really feel his genuine caring spirit.


I have patients use GH Gold 40mg with great results. I also use the product and absolutely love what it does for me! We have had such great success with this product it just flies off our shelves! Thank you GuerillaHealer for making such a clean and effective product!


Incredible product. Takes away anxiety immediately. Gives you an overall calm and soothing feeling. Great for pain management as well. I’ve been taking it for a few months now and it has done wonders. I recommend to anyone looking for an overall better sense of well being

Emily and Karel

My son has been having some behavior issues in school. Everyday for the past few days I have given him GuerillaHealer plant-based probiotics on an empty stomach. I didn't have confidence in sending him back to school just yet, but on Wednesday I decided to take him and his teachers told me that he is behaving much better. They said that they don't know what I am doing, but that it is working... 😊 I'm sure the probiotics are helping him a lot. Thank you!

Christina Empress Ingram

I’ve tried 8 different kinds of oil (6 of them made from Hemp & 2 made from medical) this is the ONLY kind that actually helps my nerve pain from my disk herniations. All of the other kinds didn’t do much at all. I am so thankful for Brent’s recommendation & these wonderful products! I also am so thankful there are no bi-products like propylene glycol or other Corn derivatives (since I am highly allergic to Corn); it’s a small detail that actually means a lot! Thank you once again!


This product is amazing. I ordered 2 of the original and 3 of the prototypes and they work great!!!

Jenny, Lily, and Izzy Merlyn

This product is a staple in my day to day life with my two daughters! I apply it topically to any bump or boo boo they have. My daughter was stung by a wasp on her neck at school- she was very upset and in so much pain- the Magic Budder soothed her pain right away… she was soon chatting about her day- and later on the evening I applied more of the salve to the sing- I noticed the actual sting was minimal about the size of a pencil tip- no treatment was needed the next day. Last week she came home and told me 3 kids in her class have pink eye and that her eye was red and iching! I applied the budder to her eye before bed, rubbing it around her while eye lid and lashes… and like magic- in the morning she was ready for the day- eyes bright and shining with no irritation :)) my youngest tho has found a great use for it, she gets irritation on her bottom from being a very independent tiny human and insisting on wiping and cleansing herself when using the toilet… she often gets rashes or irritation, and since the Magic Budder is made from organic coconut oil, I don’t hesitate to apply it on her tender little bum….! Thank you Brent for being simply wonderful!!


I have chronic tension and pain in my muscles, so when I received my Magic Budder, I experimented and put it on different parts of my body. I was delighted to discover that not only does it help my muscles relax, but it also leaves my skin as soft as velvet! The scent is light and natural-smelling.


I have recently purchased this item and it’s GREAT!!! It has helped me with pain, sleeping and I’m sure it is benefiting me in more ways than I am aware of. This will forever be a part of my daily routine. AND….. IT’S NATURAL!!! THANK YOU GUERILLA!!!


I suffer from general inflammation of my GI tract, sinus, and muscles in various places on my body. After an endless cavalcade of tests to seeking a diagnosis, I was left without any definitive answers and then I found GuerillaHealer. My mother had been administering CBD to herself as a pain reliever and sleep aid and urged me to try the same. Purchasing CBD products from dispensaries in Colorado proved more expensive than I could afford. I discovered how affordable GuerillaHealer CBD is, which was highly recommended by a close friend and jumped at the chance to give it a shot. I could not be happier with the results! I’ve been ingesting 60mg of GuerillaHealer GH Gold CBD per day for just under two months now. Since the 1st week, the changes have been evident and overwhelmingly positive. The inflammation that plagued me for months has receded and I no longer deal with the soreness or dietetic problems. I sleep better at night, have more energy throughout the day, plus I have a brighter, more positive mental disposition as a result. It’s led me to make other changes in my life that I probably wouldn’t have initiated if I was still mired in pain and discomfort. I believe I have GuerillaHealer CBD capsules to thank. The positive changes to my body have been quantifiable and beyond anything I expected. Thank you GuerillaHealer!

keith wayne

quick+free shipping! great sticker quality


Farms NOT Pharms! GuerillaHealer Rocks!

Samara Nait

Whole plant, high quality, no taste, and easy to swallow!

Steve Bowman

One cartridge please


My husband and I have been taking this and feeling instant results. I was having tooth pain and put oil right over the tooth and felt relief instantly. It is helping my husband with his chronic pain and giving relief from unnatural stressors. Also noticed it’s great for anxiety! Will be buying more. Thank you GH.

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